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At Nether Edge Primary School, our Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) vision is to provide children with opportunities, experiences and behaviours that they will need now and in their next stage of learning. We aim to encourage children to be open-minded, non-discriminative and help develop their sense of morality and equality. We believe these are important traits that children need for their social development in today's society.

Our PSHE curriculum, which includes Relationships, Health and Sex Education (RHSE), inspires a child’s self-worth and curiosity to ask and answer questions to deepen their knowledge in all aspects of the PSHE curriculum. Through carefully planned lessons, pupils learn to make informed decisions about their mental and physical health, wellbeing and positive relationships with others. The curriculum is delivered proactively and confidently by our teachers, who ensure that children have high aspirations, through use of discussion, storytelling and practical activities.

At Nether Edge Primary School, we prioritise the inherent value of storytelling to teach our children. In the case of equalities and the protected characteristics, stories help children to explore some of the most powerful aspects of growing up in an enjoyable, accessible and non-threatening way. Exploring topics like the protected characteristics, diversity and inclusivity through stories gives broad opportunities for discussion and questions, while ensuring the knowledge-rich, empowering content we want for all our children. It is important that all children see themselves represented in the stories we share, so everyone knows they are important and valued members of our community and society.