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Our art curriculum engages and enthrals children. At Nether Edge, we have an exciting, rich and forward-thinking curriculum which nurtures children’s imagination and creativity, supported by the acquisition of key knowledge and the development of skills in a range of media. Our offer is broad and rich, contemporary and diverse. Careful sequencing ensures that it is knowledge and skills rich, progressive and that our children are excited, inspired and creative.

Every art lesson starts with our Nether Edge ‘Draw More’, a series of drawing exercises inspired by interesting objects of interest, music and mark making. Draw More exercises help stimulate creative thought, hones children's observational skills and develop visual artwork ideas in all mediums.

Our art curriculum is underpinned by four key discipline areas: colour theory, drawing, painting and sculpture. These four progressive skills are taught each year. Returning to these key art skills time and again allows children to consolidate and build on previous learning and supports the development of long-term memory. Throughout their time at Nether Edge, children are inspired by the work of carefully chosen artists and designers, including a range of local Sheffield creatives.

It is our ambition for all children at Nether Edge to visit at least two art spaces during their time in primary school, to experience art and design in the wider world.

Powerful knowledge of artists and the art canon is taught through the school so that children gain an understanding of how art has changed over time and start to imagine where the next generation of artists may take it. Teachers at Nether Edge model an attitude of curiosity, open-mindedness, creative-risk taking and reflection. Together, we build exceptional relationships, as children work and develop together and teachers cultivate children’s creativity.

We want:

  • Artistic children who are imaginative, inspired and empowered to make their own creative choices;
  • Articulate children who share their ideas, opinions and critically evaluate;
  • Reading that supports children’s understanding of artists and the art canon;
  • Children who aspire to understand and care about humanity and its achievements;
  • Exploratory creative journeys, working towards varied and individual outcomes.