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School News

At Nether Edge Primary School we have an active community where we share our news and the things we've been doing in our class and our school with our parents.  For this parent community we use the platform ClassDojo.  We have selected a few of the stories we have shared and put them here on to our website.

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  • 22/03/23

    Christmas Preparation and a Special Visitor

    Christmas was a busy time at Nether Edge Primary as we prepared for a special visitor...
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  • 22/03/23

    Y4 Visit the Lyceum Panto

    On December 8th our Year 4 children went to the panto!
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  • 22/03/23

    Y5 Perform at the Octagon

    On December 8th Y5 were absolutely stunning in their performance at the One Voice concert at Sheffield Octagon.
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  • 22/03/23

    Y4 Visit to Local Care Home

    In early December some of our Y4 children visited a local care home.
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  • 22/03/23

    Visit by Kevin Straughan

    Some of our Reader Leaders met Sheffield City Council's Director of Education in early December
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  • 17/03/23

    Author Emma Carroll Live Event

    Oh my goodness….Y5 have had the most amazing live session with author Emma Carroll!!
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  • 17/03/23

    Local Heroes!

    Our Y2 children are learning about the importance of putting litter in the bin.
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  • 17/03/23

    Nether Edge Choir at the Market

    The Nether Edge Choir did an AMAZING performance at the market on a brisk November morning.
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  • 17/03/23

    Local Author Visits Y6

    In late November Y6 Turquoise class were so excited to welcome local author, Steve Draper, into school.
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  • 17/03/23

    Celebrating our Teaching Assistants!

    What a wonderful team of teaching assistants we have at Nether Edge!
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  • 17/03/23

    Y1 Visit The Crucible

    Year 1 had an amazing time at The Crucible this in early November.
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  • 17/03/23

    Y4 Anglo Saxon Day

    Y4 enjoyed a wonderful Anglo Saxon day in November
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