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School News

At Nether Edge Primary School we have an active community where we share our news and the things we've been doing in our class and our school with our parents.  For this parent community we use the platform ClassDojo.  We have selected a few of the stories we have shared and put them here on to our website.

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  • 24/03/23

    Happy International Women's Day!

    In true Nether Edge style, we have been using books and story to celebrate International Women’s Day!
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  • 24/03/23

    Bake Sale for World Book Day

    Our children arranged a bake sale on World Book Day, with the intention of raising as much money as possible.
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  • 24/03/23

    Helping Us To Park Safely

    You may have seen parking attendants around school supporting everyone to park safely today.
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  • 24/03/23

    Plans for the New Youth Base at Mount Pleasant Park

    It was very exciting to see the plans for a new community youth base in Mount Pleasant Park.
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  • 24/03/23

    The Police and Y5 Mini Police Join Forces

    At the end of February, the Y5 mini police officers were visited by the police force.
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  • 23/03/23

    Open Classrooms

    A big thank you to parents for coming to our Open Classrooms session!
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  • 23/03/23

    Taking Part in the Festival of Education

    On Feb 20 our staff took part in the amazing Festival of Education.
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  • 23/03/23

    The New Art Studio Project is Complete

    During the month of February we transformed the old IT Suite into "The Studio"!
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  • 22/03/23

    Looking Forward to the New Cycle of Learning

    At the end of the February half-term we are already excited and ready for our new cycle of learning when the children returned to school.
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  • 22/03/23

    Reception Class Explore Ancient Communication Artefacts

    An amazing collection of real artefacts for reception children to explore as part of their communication topic.
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  • 22/03/23

    Alison Cope Visited Y5s at Nether Edge

    It was a privilege to welcome Alison Cope into school in early February.
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  • 22/03/23

    Talbot Special School visit Y6

    As part of our Personal Development curriculum, teachers from Talbot Special School have been working with Y6 today.
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