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School News

At Nether Edge Primary School we have an active community where we share our news and the things we've been doing in our class and our school with our parents.  For this parent community we use the platform ClassDojo.  We have selected a few of the stories we have shared and put them here on to our website.

May 2024

  • 07/05/24

    A New Forest Garden in School

    Our children have been incredibly busy creating a new area in the playground... The Forest Garden!
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  • 07/05/24

    Mini-Police look at Speeding and Parking in Nether Edge

    The Mini-Police were on patrol in Nether Edge once again!
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  • 07/05/24

    A Visit from an Architect

    Y5 enjoyed a really fascinating visit from Mr Thomas today who taught them what it means to be an architect.
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  • 07/05/24

    Open Classrooms

    It has been wonderful to see so many parents join us at open classrooms this week.
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May 2024