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Celebrate Your Child's Success

At Nether Edge Primary School we love to celebrate the success of our pupils during school time and outside of school hours.

If your child has gained certificates or achievements, and you would like to tell us about it, then please do so by completing the short form below.

Be sure to provide as much information as possible and a photo that we can use to celebrate the success.

As well as celebrating your child within our school, we may celebrate the news on our school and trust's social media channels and on our website's news page. If appropriate, we may release the news to the local press, but we will always decide on this in collaboration with you.

Type of achievement you wish to celebrate with school:*
No file chosen
Any text and/or images provided contain accurate information and I give consent for them to be used on the school's website/social media channels.*
I have legal responsibility for the child this information concerns*

Thank you, we will be in touch soon.