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A New Forest Garden in School

Our children have been incredibly busy creating a new area in the playground... The Forest Garden!

Nether Edge have been incredibly lucky to have won £1000 to develop a Forest Garden in our nature area at the bottom of the yard. We have been working with a fantastic charity called Kids Plant Trees and so far we have held an assembly, design sessions in class and a planning session with our new Forest Garden Team.

Here is our final design of the Forest Garden including our exciting planting plan, reading corner and digging area. We’ve had to adapt it slightly but all the ideas are there from the children!

Today, we had our first planting session with the Forest Garden Team, Kids Plant Trees and our expert Wildlife Gardener, Annie, where we planted out the first bed with ferns, grasses, herbs and a range of sun loving plants.

Despite the rain, the children did a fantastic job of planting, mulching and watering the new plants.

We’re soon to hold a bake sale to raise more money for our Forest Garden, so watch this space!